Alle Seiten:6869707172 Artikel 1036 - 1050 von 19419 < Zurück Vorwärts > Traditionell Greensleeves Armonico Consort - Christopher Monks (Dir) CHF 18.00 Bach - Telemann - Scarlatti - Handel Let the bright seraphim Armonico Consort - Christopher Monks (Dir) CHF 18.00 Byrd - Lauridsen - Tallis - Allegri - u.a. Naked Byrd - Vol.1 Armonico Consort - Christopher Monks (Dir) CHF 18.00 Contractus - Tallis - Barber - Taverner - u.a. Naked Byrd - Vol.2 Armonico Consort - Christopher Monks (Dir) CHF 18.00 Traditionell - Wade - Gruber - Roberts - u.a. On Christmas Night Armonico Consort - Christopher Monks (Dir) CHF 18.00 Striggio - Tallis - von Bingen Supersize Polyphony Armonico Consort - Christopher Monks (Dir) CHF 18.00 MUFFAT Georg (1653-1704) Suites & Concertos Armonico Tributo Austria CHF 10.50 SCHMELZER Johann Heinrich (1623-1680) La Margarita Armonico Triubto Austria - Lorenz Duftschmid (Dir) CHF 22.50 Moulinié - Bocquet - Boesset - Couperin - u.a. Le Fier Virtuose Arnaud De Pasquale (Cembalo) CHF 22.50 BERANGER Pierre-Jean de (1780-1857) Le Pape musulman & autres chansons Arnaud Marzorati (Bariton) CHF 9.00 NADAUD Gustave (1820-1893) La Bouche & l'Oreille Arnaud Marzorati (Bariton) - Daniel Isoir (Piano) CHF 22.50 DUSAPIN Pascal (*1955) Item Arne Deforce (Cello) CHF 36.00 BARRETT Richard (*1959) Music for cello and electronics Arne Deforce (Cello) - Yutaka Oya (Piano) CHF 36.00 FELDMAN Morton (1926-1987) Patterns in a Chromatic Field Arne Deforce (Cello) - Yutaka Oya (Piano) CHF 36.00 BACH Johann Sebastian (1685-1750) Dance Arno Bornkamp (Saxophon) CHF 21.00 Seiten:6869707172 Artikel 1036 - 1050 von 19419 < Zurück Vorwärts >