Stravinsky - Rachmaninov - Debussy
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra
Onyx Classics
1 CD
Sinfon. Musik
Printemps (Sinfonische Suite) Debussy, Claude 1. Trés modéré 2. Modéré Frühling (Vesna) op. 20 (Kantate) Le sacre du printemps (Das Frühlingsopfer) (Ballett) Strawinsky, Igor L adoratio de la terre (Adoration of the earth) (1. Teil) Les augures printainiers (The augurs of spring) (1. Teil) Jeu du rapt (Ritual of abducation) (1. Teil) Rondes printanièrs (Spring rounds) (1. Teil) Jeux des cités rivales (Ritual of the rival tribes) (1. Teil) Cortège du sage: Le sage (Procession of the sage) (1. Teil) Le sage (The sage) (1. Teil) Danse de la terre (dance of the earth) (1. Teil) Le sacrifice (The sacrifice) - Introductio (2. Teil) Cercles mystérieux des adolescente (Mystic circles of the young girls) (2. Teil) Glorification de l éulue (Glorification od the chosen one) (2. Teil) Évocation des ancêtres (Evocation of the ancestors) (2. Teil) Action rituelle des ancêtres (Rituale dance of the ancestors) (2. Teil) Danse scrale (L élue) - Sacrificial dance (The chosen one) (2. Teil)
Vasily Petrenko (Dir) // Three works inspired by Spring - Stravinsky's "The Rite of Spring" depicts Russian pagan tribes celebrating the emergence of Spring with frenzied dances and ritual sacrifice. [...] Rachmaninov's Spring Cantata tells the story of a husband who has struggled through the harsh Russian winter knowing his wife has been having an affair with a younger man. [...] Debussy's early "Printemps" of 1885 was said to have been inspired by Botticelli's "Primavera".