Langlais - Grigny - Hakim - Franck - Boellmann
Naji Hakim (Orgel)
Signum Records
1 CD
Soloinstr. ohne Orchester
Te Deum Récit de tierce en taille Sakskobing Praeludier Hakim, Naji Mit hjerte altid vanker i Jesu foderum (Always my heart wanders to the birth place of Jesus) Naermere, Gud, til dig (Nearer, my God, to Thee) O Gud, du veg og kender (O God, Thou knowest) At sige verden ret farvel (The last farewell to life on earth) Hil dig, Frelser og Forsoner! (Hail you, saviour and atoner) Den morke nat forganger er (The gloomy night to morning yields) Nu blomstetiden kommer (Now the flowers are blooming) Paskeblomst! Hvad vil du her? (Paschal Flow'r! Why do you care to come forth?) Op, al den ting, som Gud har gjort (Arise, all things that God has made) O kristelighed! (O thou, image of Christ!) Sa vaeldigt det modte os forst i vor dab (How wonderful, that the word first met us in baptism) Befal du dine veje (Commit thy way unto God) Choral Nr. 3 a-moll Prière à Notre-Dame Glenalmond Suite Hakim, Naji 1. Strommende (Streaming) 2. Favnende (Embracing) 3. Smilende (Smiling) 4. Jublende (Jubilating) Improvisation on Amazing Grace
Langlais - Grigny - Hakim - Franck - BoellmannNaji Hakim (Orgel)Label : Signum Records
The premiere recording of two of Naji Hakim's latest works entitled Sakskobing Praeludier and Glenalmond Suite are performed by the composer himself in this fantastic collection of organ works. Hakim arranged this programme to articulate the timbres of the new 26 stop organ at Glenalmond College, including works by Grigny, Boëllmann and Franck as well as opening with Te Deum, one of the most famous pieces by Jean Langlais.