Monteverdi - Purcell - Dowland - Bach - u.a.
Emma Kirkby (Sopran)
Hyperion Records
1 CD
Chor / Lied
Selva morale e spirituale (Moralisches und geistliches Wäldchen) (Auszug) Monteverdi, Claudio Confitebor tibi, Domine - Terzo all francese Now hath Flora rob'd her bowers (Masque) Stripp'd of their Green our Groves appear Z 444 Madrigali Libro 10 (Madrigalbuch 10) (Scherzi musicali) (Auszug) Monteverdi, Claudio Volgio di vita uscir Piangono al pianger mio The Third Book of Songs Nr. 1-21 (Auszug) Dowland, John Flow not so fast, ye fountains Foy porter (Virelais) Symphonia harmoniae caelestium revelationum (Auszug) Hildegard von Bingen Columba aspexit Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd! BWV 208 (Jagd-Kantate) (Auszug) Bach, Johann Sebastian Schafe können sicher weiden The Third Book of Songs Nr. 1-21 (Auszug) Dowland, John Time stands still Diana (Questo dardo, quest'arco) Madrigali Libro 10 (Madrigalbuch 10) (Scherzi musicali) (Auszug) Monteverdi, Claudio Quel sguardo sdegnosetto Maledetto sia l'aspetto The Lark (Swift through the yielding Air) Move now with measured sound (Masque) The Triumph of Time and Truth (Oratorium) (Auszug) Händel, Georg Friedrich Sharps thorns despising Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten BWV 202 (Hochzeits-Kantate) (Auszug) Bach, Johann Sebastian Sich üben im Lieben You meaner Beautie of the Night
"An attractive release, not only for the almost unfailing charm with which Kirkby imbues the music but also as a record of how her voice has blossomed over a period of some two decades" (BBC Music Magazine)