Pierrot Portraits
Beach - Debussy - Korngold - Kowalski - Marx - Musgrave - Poldowski - Schoenberg - Schumann
Claire Booth (Sopran) - Ensemble 360
Label : Onyx Classics
Artikelnummer: ONYX4246
1 CD Spielzeit : 067:54
CHF 19.50
A unique programme which delves into Pierrot, a fictional character often associated with human vice, with an air of insouciance and innocence. Featured are works inspired by this devious and cunning character: Schumann's Carnival (1835), Schoenberg's 12-song cycle Pierrot Lunaire and Thea Musgrave's Pierrot. Rounding out the programme are works by Amy Beach, Korngold, Debussy among others.