Merd' v'la l'hiver: Complaintes des gens de rue
Bruant - Scotto - Cui - Popy - Varney
Stéphanie d'Oustrac (Mezzosopran) - Les Lunaisiens
Artikelnummer: ALPHA887
1 CD Spielzeit : 058:43
CHF 22.50
Choeur de femmes audomaria de Saint-Omer - Arnaud Marzorati, Adélaïde Stroesser (Dir) // The title bears dark and tragic story of the wretched nobodies of society who can only protest their misery and hunger! Nothing was worse for street singers than the approach of wintry weather; already constantly chased away, they would have to sing their songs in taverns or seedy cafés, where they were not always welcome . . .