Kammermusik (instrumental)
2 Stücke über Po zarostlém chodnícku (Auf einem überwucherten Weg) (2016/2018) Azevedo, Sérgio Nr. 1 Angústia indescritível (Unbeschreibliche Qual) Nr. 2 A pequena coruja que nao chegou a voar (Die kleine Eule ist nicht fortgeflogen) Hukvaldy-Sonate (2018) Azevedo, Sérgio 1. Con moto, ma appassionato 2. The hunting for Príhody lisky Bystrousky (Die listige kleine Stute) 3. V mlhách (Im Nebel) 4. Sbohem (Lebewohl) Hukvaldy-Trio (2015) V mlhách... 1912 (Im Nebel... 1912) (2009) Azevedo, Sérgio 1. Molto adagio 2. Molto adagio 3. Molto adagio 4. Por um caminho frondoso 5. Molto adagio A procura da raposa (Auf der Suche nach dem Fuchs) (2019)
Sérgio Azevedo is a Portuguese composer of contemporary classical music. He also writes articles and books about music, collaborates often with the National Radio Broadcasting, and is a teacher at the Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa since 1993.