Soloinstr. ohne Orchester
Introduktion, Arie und Fuge op. 159 Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario Introduktion Arie Fuge Sacred sevice for the Sabbath Eve op. 122 Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario Consolation (Ma Tovu) Adoration (Borechu) Invocation (Shema Yisroel) Silent devotion Lamentation (The Mourner's Kaddish) Prelude on the "Twelve tone row" Fanfare on the Twelve tone row Prelude on the name of Frederick Tulan op. 170 Nr. 49 Choral-Prelude on the name of Albert Schweitzer op. 170 Nr. 18b Fugue on the name of Albert Schweitzer op. 170 Nr. 18b Prayers my Grandfather wrote "Sei preudi per organo sopra un tema di Bruto Senigaglia" Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario Tema Hashkivenu Lecho dodi Vaani s'filosi Raú-Banim Hashkivenu
CASTELNUOVO-TEDESCO Mario (1895-1968)Livia Mazzanti (Orgel)Label : Aeolus-Music