The Complete Organ WorkStellwagen-Flentrop (Hamburg, St. Katharina), Schnitger (Hollern) & Hus&Schnitger Organ (Stade)
WECKMANN Matthias (1616-1674)
Bernard Foccroulle (Orgel)
2 CD
Soloinstr. ohne Orchester
O lux beata trinitas Weckmann, Matthias Primus versus Secundus versus Tertius versus Quartus versus: Variation 1 - Variation 2 - Variation 3 - Variation 4 Quintus versus Sextus versus Canzona C-Dur Fantasia Canzon c-moll Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ Weckmann, Matthias Primus versus Secundus versus Tertius versus Quartus versus Nun freut euch, lieben Christen g'mein Weckmann, Matthias Primus versus Secundus versus Tertius versus Canzon d-moll Komm, heiliger Geist, Herre Gott Weckmann, Matthias Primus versus Secundus versus Tertius versus Magnificat im 2. Ton Weckmann, Matthias Primus versus Secundus versus Tertius versus Quartus versus Gott sei gelobet und gebenedeiet Weckmann, Matthias Primus versus Secundus versus Canzon C-Dur Praeambulum Ach wir armen Sünder Weckmann, Matthias Versus 1 Versus 2 Versus 3 Fuga D-Dur Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ Weckmann, Matthias Primus versus Secundus versus Tertius versus Canzon G-Dur Es ist das Heil uns kommen her Weckmann, Matthias Primus versus Secundus versus Tertius versus Quartus versus Quintus versus Sextus versus Septimus et ultimus versus
Trained in the entourage of Schütz and having perfect mastery of the profession of Sveelinck's heirs and all aspects of the Italian style, Weckmann compels recognition as the keystone in the generation preceding Buxtehude's. The repertoire tackles the free forms of the new stylus fantasticus but also proposes different forms of pieces inspired by chorale tunes, including two monumental fantasias in several sections.